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Input File

The scenes to render are described in an input file, which is the only mandatory parameter for Render mode.
Input file is provided also with comments, identified by the key symbol #.
The three main ingredients for a scene are:


Each object in the scene must be made of a material, which is defined by its BRDF and its emitted radiance. Moreover, to each material you must assign a name with which you'll be able to call it all through the file.


The BRDF describes the way the light interacts with the shape, once a ray hits it. The light can be scattered or reflected, and this behaviour affects the way we see the object. There are 2 different BRDFs available:

Diffusive (Lambertian)

Represents a completely diffusive material. When the light hits, it is scattered in random directions, thus making the object totally opaque.


As the name suggests, this BRDF describes a total reflecting surface, such as the one of an ideal mirror. When the light hits, the ray follows the law of reflection.

Both BRDFs needs also a parameter: the color of the object, which is represented by a Pigment.

Emitted Radiance

Emitted radiance too is defined by a Pigment. This value is the color in which the objects, eventually, radiate.
For diffusive objects, it is set as uniform(<black>), but a different choice leads to creating a source of lights in the scene. It is always necessary to have at least one source of lights in order to see the scene.

Here are two examples of different material definitions:

material sky ( 
    diffuse ( uniform(<skyblue>) ), 
material mirror (
    specular ( uniform(<silver>) ),
An image with both specular and diffusive BRDF


After having defined the materials, it's now time to build the scene you want to render. This is made by placing the available shapes wherever you like, assigning them the material they're made of.
Not only the material is important, but also transformations play great role in the setting of the stage. By default, each shape is placed with its center in the point (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) of the world and has a default dimension. Both position and dimension, along with also orientation in the space, can be modified by the means of a transformation.


If no transformation need to be applied you can simply use the keyword identity, such as in the following example

sphere ( sky, identity )


To apply a solid translation to the selected shape the keyword is translation([vec]), where the vector generating the transformation is [vec] = [x, y, z], specified giving its three components between squared brackets

sphere ( sky, translation([1.0, 2.0, 0.0]) )


Rotations are always with respect to one of the 3 principal axis. The angle of rotation is expressed in degrees, and the keyword is rotation_^, where ^ is one of x, y or z, and is the axis along which the rotation occurs.
Different basic transformation may be combined into a more complex one with the help of * operator. Since they are implemented as matrices, the order in which transformations are applied is from right to left.
In the following example a cube is rotated with respect to the z axis and translated along the x axis by 1.0:

box ( (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5),
      (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
      translation([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) * rotation_z(30) 

On the left the cylinder has been first translated and then rotated. On the right the order of transformations is the opposite


The third possible transformation is the one that changes the dimension of the object. The scaling does not have to be homogeneous and may vary along different directions. The keyword is scaling([vec]), where [vec] components are the scale factor along each direction.

sphere ( mirror, scaling([1.0, 3.0, 1.0]) )

Inhomogeneous scaling of a sphere leads to an ellipsoid


One may also want to define a variable that represents a shape, so that this can be called multiple times in the input file with the use of a simple name. This is extremely useful in the creation of complex CSG shapes. The syntax is similar to the one used for defining materials, and to call the object in the file it is sufficient to write the name, and the transformation to apply:

shape minecraftCube box (           #Defining the shape
    (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5),
    (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),

minecraftCube ( rotation_z(45) )    #Placing the shape into the world


The last ingredient, before rendering your first image, is a camera from which the world is observed. Cameras accept a transformation parameter that sets its position and orientation. It also need to know the aspect ratio of the image, and the distance from the camera and the scree onto which the scene is projected (recommended is 1.0).
There are two different projections available: orthogonal and perspective

    1.0,                #Aspect Ratio
    1.0                 #Distance from screen
Orthogonal VS Perspective projection. Camera is in the same position for both images
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